SCENAR – Clinical Trials

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Clinical trials in Moscow

Federal Research Clinical and Experimental Center of Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Approved by:

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Russian State Medical University
  • Chief of Medical Sanitary Signature VS. Oldakovski
  • Chief of Advanced Medical Studies Faculty Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Prof. Signature G.N. Avakyan
  • A.A Karpeev; Dept No.169 of the Federal Administration for Medical and Biological Extreme Problems under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Clinical Trials were conducted using a microprocessor-based electro-neurostimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones, developed and Manufactured by ATK ALS and Aoloyaro-2000, Moscow.


The resolution of the expert special committee for devices and apparatuses applied for express diagnostics of organism functional condition using physiological indications of reflex zones and biologically active points, and for reflex-therapy on zones and biologically active points of the Committee for New Medical Technology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, to perform medical testing (minutes No. 3 dated 14.02.2003).

From 30.07.2003 till 18.09.2003, the Institute of Reflexotherapy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation performed clinical trials of microprocessor-based electro-neuro-stimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication SCENAR, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones.

Eiectro-stimulator is designed for the operation of short bipolar electric impulses on pain areas, reflexogenic areas, and acupuncture points. It may be applied in clinics and at home.

Clinical Trial:

Testing of electro-stimulator was performed both in outdoor clinics and in hospitals.

The testing program included:

  • Appraisal of treatment procedure tolerance
  • Appraisal of electrotherapy safety
  • Appraisal of electro-stimulator operational safety

Therapy was performed on 17 patients: 12 women and 5 men ranging from 21-68 years of age


  • 9 persons suffering from osteochondrosis of various spine sections with neurological presentations
  • 3 persons suffering from osteoarthrosis deformations of large joints
  • 5 persons suffering from soft tissues contusion, ligament strains


Treatment was applied directly to the pain area; The relevant spine segments; The acupuncture and trigger points.

During the whole period of examination, neither patient suffered aggravation. More than in 80% of cases, positive dynamics were revealed in the form of regress of pain, decreasing of edema, increasing of motor activity, and improvement of the state of health. All cases revealed good tolerance to electro-stimulation.

So, using of an electro-stimulator is rather effective in the therapy of locomotor apparatus diseases and acute injuries (contusion, strains). Due to portability and easy operation, an electro-stimulator may be applied both in special departments or rooms and at home under the supervision of a physician.

Opinion on the results of a clinical trial:

Microprocessor-based electro-neurostimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication SCENAR, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones, presented for testing corresponds to its medical purpose. Electrotherapy procedures tolerance is satisfactory. No negative secondary reactions or complications are revealed. The Electro-stimulator operation is reliable; its appearance corresponds to modern requirements. The product may be used both as an auxiliary and main facility in locomotor apparatus disease treatment, acute injuries (contusions, strains), and pains in ambulances. Due to portability and easy operation, the device may (upon doctor’s consulting) be applied at home according to its operation manual.


Microprocessor-based electro-neurostimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication SCENAR, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones, developed by NTK ALS and Coloyara-2000 (Moscow), may be recommended to the special committee for devices and apparatuses applied for express diagnostics of organism functional condition using physiological indications of reflex zones and biologically active points and for reflex-therapy on zones and biologically active points of the Committee for New Medical Technology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to allow its production and use in medical practice.


Signature: Karpeev A.A.19/09/2003Department No. 169 of Federal Administration for Medical and Biological Extreme Problems under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



Clinical Trial:

SCENAR using a prototype microprocessor-based electro-neuro-stimulator was used for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones, Represented by NTK ALS and Coloyaro-2000 (Moscow).

On the grounds of resolution of the expert special committee for devices and apparatuses applied for express diagnostics of organism functional condition using physiological indications of reflex zones and biologically active points and for reflex-therapy on zones and biologically active points of the Committee for New Medical Technology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, to perform medical testing (minutes No. 5 dated 14.02.2003), Medical Sanitary Department No. 169 of Federal Administration Medbioextrem performed a clinical trial of the prototype of electro-neuro-stimulator SCENAR, that had successfully passed technical testing in GUN VNIIIMT of the Ministry of Health (Certificate ATNLO 009.3070 dated 28.07.03).

The trial was performed in a cardiologic consultative diagnostic therapy center and physio-therapeutic division of Medical Sanitary Department No.169.

According to the request of the developers, the adaptive compact universal seif-controlling electro-stimulator SCENAR (hereinafter referred to as the Apparatus) is portable and is designed for work both at home and in treatment-and-preventive institutions.

The apparatus is a microprocessor-based controlling device that provides for contact operation with electric impulses with adjustable frequency, amplitude and modulation on biologically active points and zones. The main modes of work of the apparatus:

a) Automatic: Duration of operation on each skin area and settings are fixed automatically

b) Perpetual: Duration of operation on each skin area and settings are fixed by the operator

c) Searching: A special mode for searching of areas of exposure and treatment according to preset criteria.


In accordance with the program of the trials, 24 patients were treated using the electro-neuro-stimulator:

  • 6 of the said patients suffered from spread osteochondrosis in the acute phase with radicular pains of various topography and intensity
  • 3 patients suffering from Acute Cerebral Circulatory Insufficiency (ACCI) with consequences of ischemic
  • 2 patients are hemorrhagic
  • 1 stroke patient in the phase of late rehabilitation
  • 7 patients with soft hypertensia, 3 patients with neurocirculatory asthenia of hypotonic type
  • 5 patients with ischemia; angina of effort (II-III functional class)

The age composition of the examined persons was from 18 to 64. Composition by sex: 44% – male and 56% – female

All the patients passed the clinical instrumental examination and biochemical blood analysis proving the established diagnosis according to an international classification of diseases (ICD).

Examination included:

  • electrocardiographic monitoring at rest
  • bicycle ergometry
  • daily electrocardiographic and arterial pressure monitoring
  • echocardiography, ultrasonic, and rheographic investigation of peripheral vessels
  • electro- and rheoencephalography
  • gastroscopy
  • ultrasonic investigation of inner organs
  • external breathing function
  • computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography
  • Protein
  • lipid and enzyme blood profile
  • consultation of specialists on all diseases investigated


Treatment of patients with the apparatus and appraisal of efficiency thereof was performed in accordance with the operation manuals, as well as publicly known recommendations published, and depending on pathological syndrome and the purpose of treatment.

Upon electro-neurostimulation, all groups of patients revealed clinical improvement of the condition. The group of patients with ACCI revealed muscular tonus correction, muscle strength, and movement amplitude increasing. Patients with pain syndrome showed evident analgesic effects occurring during the procedure and remaining for a long time after the procedure. All patients of the said groups revealed positive effects of the treaty by the end of the therapy course.

The group of patients suffering from angiopathy (hypotonia, hypertonia), upon electro-neuro-stimulation with the apparatus as a part of complex therapy, also revealed positive changes in the clinical course of the disease with normalizing of arterial pressure.

No complications have been revealed in the course of applying the apparatus to all groups of patients.

So, a medical (clinical) trial of a microprocessor-based electro-neuro-stimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication SCENAR, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones, showed that the clinical effectiveness of the apparatus is mostly evident with patients suffering from pain peripheral syndrome.

Due to the easy operation of the apparatus, the performance of the therapeutic procedure by the medical personnel showed no difficulties, training lasts for a few minutes. The display depicts the dynamics of the diagnostic and therapeutic process.

The apparatus is principally new and has no analogs worldwide; it allows to determine (in case of various pathologic processes) of the initial condition of the patient according to the canons of the traditional oriental medicine (TOM), as well as to perform electrotherapy of various diseases via biologically active points and zones.

Critical remarks on the apparatus are not essential and were eliminated by the developer during the medical trial.


Medical (clinical) trials of the microprocessor-based electro-neuro-stimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency and modulation, with fight and audible indication SCENAR, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones, represented by NTK AlS and Coloyaro-2000, Moscow, showed that it is principally new apparatus having no analogs for express diagnostics, electrotherapy and appraisal of the results of treatment according to the canons of the traditional oriental medicine.

Technical characteristics correspond to the requirements set forth in the technical documentation.

Apparatus SCENAR may be recommended for serial production for implementation of the same into wide clinical practice.


Chief of Medical Sanitary Signature VS. Oldakovski

Seal: Federal Administration for Medical and Biological Extreme Problems under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Medical Sanitary Department No. 169

Person in charge of the trials:

Chief of the cardiology consulting, diagnostic and Treatment center of FU Medbioextrem Doctor of medical sciences, professor I.N. Vozovikov


Municipal Clinical Hospital 1, 117049, Moscow, Leninski pr. 8, cor. 8; No. A2/03/147


on Clinical Trials of microprocessor-based electro-neuro-stimulator for the operation of bipolar impulses with adjustable amplitude, frequency, and modulation, with light and audible indication SCENAR, on Biologically Active Points and Biologically Active Zones.

Apparatus SCENAR (hereinafter referred to as the device) is a microprocessor-based controlled generator of bipolar electrical impulses with adaptable amplitude, frequency and modulation, and is designed for contact operation on biologically active points and zones.

Between 29 July 2003 and 08 October 2003, medical trials of the apparatus SCENAR were performed at the Department of Neurology of the Russian State Medical University (RGMU), Faculty of Advanced Medical Studies the said apparatus had been developed and made by Cofoyaro-2000 and the Scientific Engineering Company ALS, Moscow.

The total number of procedures performed is 290. Operating time – 126 hours. No failures occurred.

Results of Clinical Trials:

29 patients with acute and chronic pain syndrome of able-bodied age (27-54 years) were examined.

The patients suffering from acute pain syndrome (visit after 2-3 days), including lumbago – 4, cervical pain syndrome – 1, radicular syndrome – 3, and trigeminal neuralgia – 2 (female -4, male-6). In the case of acute pain syndrome, the patients were treated with basic therapy: nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medicines; in the case of trigeminal neuralgia – anticonvulsants.

Patients with chronic pain syndrome (disease duration from 1 to 4.5 years) 9 patients (female 12, male -7), dorsopathy, including: with the secondary radicular syndrome of the cervical spine 4, lumbar spine – 14. 12 patients, during the year, were hospitalized once in neurological centers, the rest patients received outpatient care.

Pain intensity was appraised according to VAS scale. The average value by groups: for patients with acute pain was 9.2+0.6; for patients with chronic pain 6.4 + 0.4. After a single procedure the pain intensity value for patients with acute pain was 6.8+0.5; for patients with chronic pain 5.2 + 0.3.

After a course of treatment (10-32 procedures), 8 patients revealed complete pain removal. In the case of chronic pain syndrome after the course of treatment pain syndrome intensity decreased to 2.1+0.2 according to the VAS scale.

In order to obtain an objective appraisal of damage in case of compression of spinal radices by intervertebral disks hernia EMG and ENMG research were used prior to and after treatment. Improvement was revealed: increasing of the velocity of impulse conduction via radicular nerve segment, correlating with clinical improvement; increasing of the amplitude of bio-potentials of the relevant muscle.

SCENAR clinical trial evidences product conformance to medical requirements shown in the requirement specification.

Opinion on the results of a clinical trial:

The product conforms to the requirements of medical practice and its functional purpose. The device is easy to operate. Technical esthetics and color design is good. No inconvenience construction and deficiencies were revealed during the trial.

Apparatus SCENAR fully corresponds to its medical intent, its application allows to accelerate the treatment of pain syndrome in case of various diseases, including neurological profile.

Contraindications for the use of the apparatus are those that are commonly applied in electric impulse therapy, including individual intolerance.

Apparatus SCENAR may be recommended for quantity production for implementation of the same into wide clinical practice.

Approved by:

Chief of Advanced Medical Studies Faculty Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Prof. Signature G.N. Avakyan

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Russian State Medical University