LET Medical – Electrode for Rectal Application ER01Ag
LET Medical – Electrode for Rectal Application ER01Ag
Electrodes for rectal application
Remote probe with silver electrodes for rectal action
Remote probe with silver electrodes for rectal action. Used for treatment of diseases of rectum, urogenital system, pathological conditions of small pelvis, etc.
Range of application:
Diseases of rectum (chronic constipation, inflammatory diseases, new growth, rectum fissure).
Diseases of prostate and male genital organs: inflammatory diseases (prostatitis, vesiculitis, acute and chronic genital infections); consequences of traumatic injuries of the pelvis.
vascular disorders (varicocele, venostasis of prostate)
Tumor (adenoma of prostate, cancer and sarcoma of prostate, tumor of seminal vesicles).
Vascular pathological conditions of small pelvis and lower extremities (hemorrhoids, varicosity).
Disorders of the neighboring organs: gynaecological diseases when it is impossible to use vaginal electrode (pain, barrier, virginity).
Pathological conditions of the urinary bladder, ureters and kidneys.
Pathological conditions of lumbar and sacral parts of the vertebral column.
Pathological conditions of nerve plexuses of small pelvis (inflammatory, diabetic, toxic, etc.)
Male sterility of established and unknown etiology.
Disorder of male sexual potency.
Compatible with ALL LET Medical SCENAR COSMODIC ENS devices.